Scientific Program > Plenary Lectures


The plenary speakers for the meeting and their lecture titles are as follows.

To view the speaker biography and abstract of each, click on the talk title.

A pdf containing the complete set of abstracts for the plenary lectures is also available here.


Theme 1: Theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks for integrating history in mathematics education

     David Guillemette, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)

     An Ethical Perspective on the History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education


 Guillemette Photo


Theme 2: History and epistemology in students’ and teachers’ mathematics education: Classroom experiments and teaching materials

   Aline Bernardes, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

   History inTeachers’ Mathematics Education:
     Problematising Concepts, Views on Mathematics, and its Learning and Teaching


Bernardes Photo


Theme 3: Original sources in the classroom and their educational effects

     Clemency Montelle, University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

     Historical Tangents! Original Sources From Trigonometry Texts Throughout History


 Montelle Photo


Theme 4: Mathematics and its relation to science, technology, and the arts: Historical issues and interdisciplinary teaching & learning

    Helena Durnova, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)

    The Constructive and Destructive Roles of Calculators in Mathematics Education


 Durovno Photo


Theme 5: Cultures and history of mathematics fruitfully interwoven

    Kay Owens, Charles Sturt University (Australia)
    Co-presenters: Vagi Bino and Charly Muke

    Past, Present and Future: The Fruitful Interweaving of Cultural Mathematics


 Owens Photo


Theme 6: Topics in the history of mathematics education

    Ysette Weiss, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany)

    Globalization Through the Lens of the History of Mathematics Education


 Weiss photo


Theme 7: History o f mathematics in Australia and the Indo-Pacific

    Lesley Ward, University of South Australia (Australia)

     From the Marriage Bar to the Hypatia Scholarship:
           Women Working in Mathematics in Australian Universities


Ward Photo


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